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BIO3 Implant Vitamin

Naturliga vitaminer för uppbyggnad av ben och läkning

220,00 SEK


  • Artnr: 550011

Beskrivning av artikel

Pre Implant Complex. Power for oral solution.
Source of calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, copper, and vitamins К2 and D in optimal for uptake ratio. Calcium and phosphorus are two main microelements, which are responsible
for mineralization, integrity, and density of bones and teeth. Magnesium takes part in metabolism of bone tissue, prevents from bone demineralization, and suppresses calcium deposit
on the walls of blood vessels, heart valves, muscles, urinary tracts. Zinс is a cofactor of more than 200 enzymes and it acts upon the process of bone tissue remodelling. Copper takes
part in building of the most important proteins of conjunctive tissue – collagen and elastin, which create a matrix of bone and cartilaginous tissue. Manganese normalizes synthesis of
glycosaminoglycans, which are essential for formation of the bone and cartilaginous tissue. Vitamin D3 facilitates normal calcium uptake by organism and strengthening of muscle and
bone tissues. Vitamin К2 plays an important role in the process of building of bones. Therefore, this complex of minerals and vitamins has a formulation that is similar to formulation of
human bone tissue. Due to specially designed and balanced formulation it ensures fast osseointegration and bone tissue restoration after dental implantation.

Regenera Complex. Capsules.
Source of collagen, glucosamine, propolis, chondroitin, hyaluronic acid and proline. It is a balanced combination of propolis and main components of organic matrix of bone tissue.
Approximately 90% of organic matrix accounts for collagen. Along with mineral components collagen is the main factor determining mechanical properties of the bone. Distinction of
bone tissue collagen is a large content of amino acid proline. In addition, the organic matrix contains glycosaminoglycans, chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid. Such combination
may be used to boost the immunity, for infection prophylaxis and improvement of wound healing process after dental implantation.

Post Implant Complex. Capsules.
Source of collagen, glucosamine, chondroitin, hyaluronic acid and proline. It is a complex of natural ingredients, which constitute the organic matrix of bone tissue in optimal ratio:
collagen / glycosaminoglycans. Approximately 90% of organic matrix accounts for collagen. Along with mineral components collagen is a main factor determining mechanical properties
of the bone. Distinction of bone tissue collagen is a large content of amino acid proline. In addition the organic matrix contains glycosaminoglycans, chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic
acid. Complex facilitates fast bone tissue restoration, it stimulates osseointegration process and improves short-term and long-term results of dental implantation.

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